Healing Therapies

Pleiades Star Healing with Charlotte
Pleiades healing is a natural therapy that works on your subconscious “nahual” night chakras. This allows me to channel healing energy from the Pleiades Star system which heals you on a deep soul level.
This healing can go deep into your soul relationships and soul contracts, heal karmic relationships and ancestral patterns of behaviour and much more.
During this treatment we take a deep dive into the emotion causes of physical symptoms.
It can be used to heal emotional problems, unwanted behavioural patterns, to support your soul journey on the earth and much more.
A star healing session lasts for around an hour. Your treatment lasts for 40mins (approximately) followed by a 20 minute starseed oracle guidance reading.

Crystal Healing With Charlotte
Crystal healing is a natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of crystals and how they affect the body and mind. During a treatment i intuitively place healing crystals on or around you as you lie comfortably on a massage couch.
These crystals help to unblock, balance, and direct energy where it is most needed, gently supporting the body to heal in a therapeutic way.
All crystals have their own unique healing properties and can help us to heal on every level. From headaches to stress, emotional issues to wanting to feel more connected spiritually, you name it there’s a crystal for it!
Everyone experiences healing differently! Your session is as unique as you are.
Some people report feeling sensations (a warmth or tingle) or seeing colours or images, some feel extremely relaxed, some fall asleep .
Anyone can experience crystal healing, from babies all the way up to the elderly. Because this treatment works energetically there is no-one who can’t be treated and no contra-indications to the treatment. Under 16s will need their adult with them during the healing and over 18s will need to ensure they haven’t had any alcohol that day.

Reiki Healing With Charlotte or Rosie
Put simply, Reiki is healing energy channeled from the highest possible source. It is a safe system for personal healing, wholing, and transforming which simultaneously includes your body-emo-tion-mind-spirit dynamic.
Reiki healing accesses universal energy and puts your consciousness in touch with qualities of wholeness such as clarity, radiant power, universal love, joy, abundance, and Light.
During a healing I place my hands on or above your body and allow healing energy to flow directly from The Source of all things. As this energy flows through your chakra system and into your aura it allows your body and mind to heal itself.
Reiki healing restores vital energy to all the interrelated parts of your being and promotes your natural, inner tendency to grow in the direction of health and wholeness.
Reiki healing can be used for and everything! During this treatment we take a deep dive into the emotion causes of physical symptoms. It can be used to heal emotional problems, unwanted behavioural patterns, to support your Spiritual journey and much more!
A Reiki healing session lasts for an hour. We will have a chat before the session to determine your needs and intentions for your healing. Then after the session we will chat about your experiences and I will feed back anything I picked up for you during the treatment.
Anyone can experience Reiki healing; from babies all the way up to the elderly.
Under 16s will need their adult with them during the healing and over 18s will need to endure they haven’t had any alcohol that day.